jeu. 30 nov.
How to Speak with Confidence - Thursday November 30th at 4pm PST presented by the WIL Victoria Chapter
This workshop offers new perspectives and practical skills to empower women to find their authentic voice and become the confident and impactful speaker they want to be.
Time & Location
30 nov. 2023, 16:00 – 17:00
About the Event
How to Speak with Confidence
Workshop Introduction
As women in leadership, we know that effective communication is key to growing our career and offering
our unique contribution. Yet, public speaking is a top-rated fear and nerves or lack of confidence can stop us
from having the impact we want to make in the world. In addition, women face unique challenges when it
comes to speaking up and being heard in male dominated environments.
This workshop offers new perspectives and practical skills to empower women to find their authentic voice
and become the confident and impactful speaker they want to be. Come learn…
- Common myths we have about speaking nerves
- Top speaking challenges for women in male dominated environments
- 3 key skills we need to speak and be heard
Dayna Kneeland is a Speaking and Storytelling Coach - Dayna Kneeland Coaching
Dayna is a trained stage actor who fell in love with helping people feel comfortable being in the
spotlight. She works with professionals and entrepreneurs who, despite being experts in their field,
struggle with fear or insecurities when it comes to public speaking. Her passion is to help people
discover their natural strengths and gain the skills they need to craft impactful messages and speak
confidently, no matter what the situation. A passionate educator, Dayna holds her Masters degree in
Adult Education, has 25 years of teaching and coaching experience.