Fondée en 2001, la Women In Leadership Foundation (WIL) propose des programmes inspirants qui rassemblent les femmes pour collaborer au développement de leurs compétences en leadership et crée un changement positif dans l'avenir du leadership féminin.
​ La Women in Leadership Foundation reconnaît que les opérations de notre siège social sont situées sur le territoire traditionnel et non cédé du peuple Okanagan Syilx. Nous reconnaissons, honorons et respectons la présence de tous les peuples autochtones, passés, présents et futurs.
Founder & President of WIL
“I started Women in Leadership because, as an emerging young leader starting out in my career, I was searching for my life purpose and it was important for me to do work that I loved. After graduating from my commerce program at university, I found myself looking for women role models and women leaders in the business world. The landscape for women leaders in business was not what I had expected and I wondered why there were so few women in leadership positions and few ways for us to connect. Filling this void became my passion. I saw how important mentors were to me with my own career, helping me build faith in myself and overcome obstacles. And I saw how they could help others carving their own path while joining together would create a sense of community and belonging in the business world.
As women, there is tremendous power in joining together. Not only do we benefit from shared experiences, but together we can have a massive impact on our children, our families, our workplaces, our economy, and our planet. I want to see more women in leadership because it would make the world a better place: with a more peaceful, progressive and sustainable approach to business, community, and beyond.”

Board of
Chief Leanne Joe
Farhana Mahbub
Jennifer Kardash
Maya Kanigan
Photo from Left to to Right:
Farhana Mahbub, Chief Leanne Joe, Maya Kanigan.
Missing from photo: Jennifer Kardash

Notre mission
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Notre vision
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Women in Leadership Day
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Join Us to Be Part of the Change
Established in 2001, the Women in Leadership Foundation (WIL) is a national, non-profit organization committed to creating a platform to promote diverse & inclusive workplaces. WIL offers deep expertise in creating impactful programs and content to raise awareness and drive tangible result for our community (200,000+, 10 chapters). We help all women across Canada to have the confidence and opportunities to pursue positions of leadership and help employers hire, grow, and support a diverse workforce.
As we celebrate our 23rd year, we invite you to join us on May 29, 2024 to show your support for advancing women in leadership, share your story, showcase your leaders, and highlight your commitment to build on your diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership to promote healthy workplaces. We are honoured to work with WIL Champions from across Canada committed to making a positive difference. WIL is about working together to get there.
Join us to be part of the change.
Maya Kanigan, BComm.
Founder & President, Women in Leadership Foundation