It is our extreme pleasure to introduce you to Del Mahabadi, one of our Mentors with the 2021 WIL mentorship program.
Del has been nominated for a Margo Bindhardt and Rita Davies Award, which is celebrating an individual who has demonstrated creative cultural leadership in arts and culture in Toronto. Del has been nominated for the The Margo Bindhardt and Rita Davies Cultural Leadership Award for her work as Founder and Chief Executive Director at Waveland.
What are you most passionate about?
I find that as I grow, my passions take on many forms. The one thing that has always been constant, and that is my desire to build positive and inclusive communities in Canada.
Who is your greatest role model?
My mother has always been my biggest role model. She has faced many challenges in her life, but her perspective has stayed the same - positively fearless. She taught me the value of good leadership and the importance of supporting those around you. She continues to empower me daily, and inspires me to continue to develop myself further.
What is your greatest accomplishment in your career trajectory?
My greatest accomplishment in my career as it relates to impact has been the development and execution of Songs for Seniors - a weekly virtual concert series featuring Canadian musicians for seniors and long term care homes across Canada. When I saw the impact that the pandemic was having on our seniors communities as well as the music industry here in Canada, I saw an opportunity for synergy between the two. With support and partnerships from the Canadian Red Cross and the Government of Canada, Songs for Seniors has been executed on a weekly basis since December 2020.
What advice would you give to women who are building their careers?
Practice self love, take lots of risks, and make lots of mistakes. The most valuable learnings that I have gathered over the years have been as a result of my failures.
What do you think is the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you?
I am a Millennial. I have a Gen Z sister, and a Gen Alpha daughter. I can foresee the rising need for social validation as we continue to choose technology over human connection being the biggest challenge for the generations to come.
Congratulations on your nomination Del!