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Leadership Development Program: MIND THE GAP

Research consistently highlights the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions. This gap not only deprives organizations of diverse perspectives but also stifles the growth and potential of aspiring female leaders. Our Women In Leadership Development program tackles this issue head-on. By focusing on self-awareness, building effective relationships, driving change, and fostering continuous growth, we empower women to bridge the gap and rise as influential leaders.

In the recently released Women In Leadership “Bridge To Gender Equity Report”, it highlights key barriers that women face on their leadership journey. One area they highlight is to begin to focus on our younger generation. In fact, this is what they share in the report:

“There is always a lot of focus on women making the jump from management to senior management. But you also need to make sure women are not getting left behind before the management level. If you have more women at the management level, then you can have more women at the senior management level. You need to start the pipeline early and put this in women's minds when they're first hired.

Join the Women In Leadership Development Program starting September 19th as we shatter barriers and create a more inclusive and successful future.

#WomenInLeadership #ClosingTheGap#Womenempowerment#mindthegap



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