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Lunch With the Minister

Last week in Vancouver, we had the honour to host the Honourable Minister Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality, and her representatives for a Q & A Lunch on gender equality and leadership. Leaders from various local organizations and a few of our local WIL Best Employers, iQmetrix, BC Public Service and MTU Maintenance Canada, were in attendance with a great discussion on the progress made and what challenges lie ahead.

One of the points brought up in the event was the significant labour shortage in Canada and that companies need more women in order to be competitive. Minister Monsef shared that companies are leaving $150 billion dollars on the table as a result.


We created our partner job portal,, to help current and emerging women leaders find leadership opportunities with employers who value diversity and inclusion. Are you seeking an exciting leadership position? Leading Talent now has 850 leadership postings available on the site posted by Canadian employers who want to increase their pool of top female talent.


We want to see more women succeed and advance into leadership roles. When we do, we all benefit: our families, our employers, our communities, our economy and beyond. WIL is about working together to get there and we thank you all for continuing to make a difference and continue the vision of WIL. 

A big thank you to very our own Krystal Ho and our WIL Best Employer Partner, iQmetrix, for sharing their beautiful space for this lunch event!

WIL Vancouver Chapter Leaders with President Maya Kanigan and Minister Monsef



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